Compiled by Keith Basterfield GPO Box 1894 Adelaide SA 5001

14 Oct 1991 SYDNEY NSW DD

John P. and two others were at a beach near the Sydney airport control tower when they heard a buzz or humming type sound and looked up to see an object. ôI looked up and noticed a craft in the air. This craft was unlike anything I have ever seen before.ö The object passed over them at 80-100 metres above them. The tower operators could also see the object which had hieroglyphic type writing underneath. The object disappeared behind some trees. They were the only people on the beach, yet they noticed small footprints all around them after the sighting. It is important to note that this is the same spot where the Gleggs had their sighting while fishing with their kids on Easter Sunday. (UFOESA.)

27 Dec 1994 SYDNEY NSW 1400hrs DD

Viewed through binoculars , a glowing high altitude sphere was seen, heading west to east towards Sydney airport. The object then stopped and changed direction and headed north. It again stopped and hovered for a couple of minutes, then once again changed direction and headed back west. The object stopped one more time before heading straight up into a cloud and disappearing. (UFOESA.)

23 Jul 1995 SYDNEY NSW

A Mr Mathson noticed an unusual, round, metallic object in the sky which he reported. It seemed to be moving horizontally and vertically, rising rapidly until it just stopped for a couple of minutes. The object then started to move again and headed into cloud cover. Mr Mathson noticed that the clouds seemed to be swirling underneath it. The clouds were not dense, he could see through them but when the object entered the cloud, he could not see it in the cloud, or beyond it. He contacted the RAAF and Mascot Airport who referred him on. (UFOESA.)

14 Jan 1996 CANBERRA TO SYDNEY (2045-2120hrs) NL

A mother and daughter were travelling when they noticed a bright light which seemed to be coming down at a steep angle. They were frightened it was a plane and was going to crash on them. All of a sudden the object was directly above them about 60 metres up, and hovering. They noticed some non flashing coloured lights and something like sparks coming down from the object. No noise was detected. They drove off and finally lost sight of the object. The object appeared later near Collector, where they saw it land and noticed other cars were stopped to look. The daughter believes she saw a smaller object next to the big one. She wandered why she had not noticed this very well lit up farm house before as they travel the road regularly. They started to panic when they noticed a single light coming from behind them and they took off in a big hurry. UFOESA would like to hear from anyone else who has similar details. (UFOESA.)

11 Jun 1996 BELL BAY TAS 2030hrs NL

A single witness reported a dull grey, domed top object. Lights appeared beneath it as it curved towards the witness, who quickly went indoors. (TUFOIC.)

20 Jul 1996 HOBART AIRPORT TAS 2100hrs NL

A trainee pilot reported a light following the aircraft. It was seen after landing, to be a bright light to the north. Further details when known. (TUFOIC.)

23 Aug 1996 CAMPBELL TOWN TAS 2030hrs Poss CE1

Two witnesses travelling north on highway reported a silver/grey, cigar shaped object, low to the west of the road. It moved over the road ahead and was last seen above paddocks. (TUFOIC.)

2 Sep 1996

Peter Khoury received a call from a Mr Crawford who had just watched the Midday programme on Channel 9 and noticed Kelly Cahill was discussing her 1993 UFO encounter in the Dandenong Ranges. He remembered the night he was woken up between 1 and 3 a.m. by a noise in the night sky. He looked outside his bedroom window and saw an object about 100 metres up and 3-400 metres away to the north north west. It was shining a bright light which lit up the area as bright as day. Mr Crawford woke his wife and they both watched the object. ôIn the blink of an eye it was 100 metres up and 50 metres away to the north north west.Æ Mr Crawford pulled on his trousers and grabbed a camera and raced outside but the object was out of sight. (UFOESA.)

9 Sep 1996 GYMPIE QLD (2000-2030hrs) 10 mins

A Mr G. B. of Gympie was driving along Pine Street Gympie eastern side towards the Bruce Highway when he noticed a bright, orange ball of coloured light in the sky. He stoped the car and got out. The object was about 45 degrees elevation and off to the west. It was travelling slowly towards the east. It looked like it was only about 300-500 metres high, as it seemed to light up the ground below, i.e. the tree tops, if only slightly. He described it as about the size of a little fingernail at arms length. It looked to have a fuzzy flame on one side , the trailing side. After 10 minutes it suddenly picked up speed and did an abrupt right angle turn and sped off, and was going in a few seconds, leaving a light trail. The angle of the turn it made was toward the witness, which meant that it would have been going south. (UFOHSAR.)

10 Sep 1996 GYMPIE QLD 2010hrs NL

A Ms R.P. reported an orange light low in the sky. It was moving slowly and was travelling from north west to east. It was about the quarter size of the Moon and did not seem to be high in the sky. It was watched for 10-12 minutes, and looked as though it had some sort of flame on one side, but not like the flame of a fire, more misty like. Then it suddenly shot off and disappeared in a trice. (UFOHSAR.)


Witness sighted bright green light to the north west. Then surprised to see it ahead of car as travelled south. The light dropped from the sky and was obscured by nearby trees. It subsequently appeared to the right and left of the road. It was last seen as the witness arrived home in Launceston. (TUFOIC.)

18 Sep 1996 GYMPIE QLD NL

Ms R. P. sighted a similar thing to the 10 Sep, except that it appeared from the south-west this time and flashed out of sight towards the east after moving slowly. (UFOHSAR.)

24 Sep 1996 BURNIE TAS 2215hrs NL

A flashing yellow/orange light was seen after a witness went out to look at the night sky. It was in the south and moving rapidly up and down from 30 to 60 degrees elevation. It was observed for 30 seconds before it departed at speed into the north-west sky. Took 4-5 seconds to leave. (TUFOIC.)

8 Oct 1996 ADELAIDE SA NL Early hours

Three orange, bobbing lights were reported (UFORSA.)

14 Oct 1996 ADELAIDE SA NL

While watching television the witness noted a noise on the roof and went outside to have a look. They saw a green light which moved, hovered and then shot off. (UFORSA.)


A party out camping located what appeared to be a mutilated horse on a little used track inside a conservation park. Investigators attended the scene and confirmed a grey horse, in bad condition was lying on its left side. There were large holes in the chest are, the genital area, and the anus region, plus skin had been stripped off the right hand side of the jaw. There no signs to indicate a link to the UFO phenomenon. Nearby was a large assortment of animal bones, including deer and sheep. The matter was reported to the police. (UFORSA.)

18/19 Oct 1996 KINGAROY QLD Night

A large pyramid/triangular shaped object was seen in the sky. Approximately 6000 metres up. It had many coloured lights around its outer edge. It was described as being as large as a battleship, and cruised silently in the heavens. It was observed for almost 10 minutes before accelerating away at a very rapid speed. ( UFOHSAR)

20 Oct 1996 ADELAIDE SA 2210hrs NL

Lights were seen above Mt Lofty to the east of the City. They were red/green/ and white. Suspected astronomical. (UFORSA.)

24 oct 1996 ADELAIDE SA NL

A man reported constantly seeing UFOs in the sky. Moving and flashing. One was blue, others white/yellow. Seen to the north with the naked eyes. (UFORSA.)

25 oct 1996 ADELAIDE SA

An unknown male telephoned claiming to have a photograph of a UFO which had crashed last night. Left no name or contact number. (UFORSA.)

25 Oct 1996 MARCOOLA Sunshine Coast QLD 0000hrs NL

Several people observed yellowish coloured light in the sky. They phoned 4GY radio station. The station was not able to give much detail on these sightings but apparently there where several objects observed at one time. (UFOHSAR.)

27 Oct 1996 ADELAIDE SA 0620hrs

Rang to report sighting a ôcometö like object in the eastern sky. (UFORSA.)


Seen by several observers, a bright orange light was seen low in the sky in the early evening. It moved from west to north, quite slowly, then sped off at great speed and disappeared from sight. (UFOHSAR.)


Barry Taylor, PO Box 1157 Grafton NSW 2460.
TUFOIC. Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre, PO Box.174, South Hobart, TAS 7004.
UFO Experience Support Association Inc. PO Box 191, Regents Park, NSW 2143.
UFO Hotline Sightings and Abductions research. Lot 12/149 Traveston Road, MS 624, Gympie, Qld 4570
UFORSA. UFO Research (South Australia) PO Box 281, Blair Athol SA 5084.

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